About IMLS
Indivisible Main Line South is committed to resisting anti-democracy agendas and
supporting the elections of pro-democracy candidates.
We are inspired by the spirit and strategic objectives of the National Indivisible Guide,
Indivisible Main Line South (IMLS) focuses on covering Marple, Newtown Square, Edgemont and Radnor. We make calls. We show up. We speak with our neighbors. We organize. We help win elections! Indivisibles are remaking our democracy and electing Democrats up and down the ballot.
Our March to 2020 mission helped Turn PA Blue by holding onto Pennsylvania House Representative Jenn O’Mara’s seat in District 165th (half Marple/half Radnor) and won back the White House on November 3, 2020.
Hundreds of volunteers joined IMLS on the 20th of every month from February through October 2020 to organize and teach volunteers the many ways to successfully reach out to voters in our Districts. Our efforts together have turned PA Blue, elected a Democratic President and Vice President and helped support the election of a US Democratic Senate and House!
We evolve our local activities so they are appropriate to influence our PA District 5 Members of Congress. We strive to empower our individual team members and evolve roles as tactics and circumstances change. We work side by side with other grass roots organizations and keep our larger MLS communities informed of our actions, positions and accomplishments.
We welcome new members and work to ensure our team becomes as broad as our MLS communities in age, economically and ethnically. Volunteers will conduct their activities on our behalf with HONESTY based information and RESPECT for all people.
Our actions include:
· Understanding and communicating with our Members of Congress
· Fixing our democracy
· Turning the PA House and Senate Democratic
· Fighting for voting rights
· Eliminate gerrymandering in PA
· Fighting for more inclusive, easier, freer, elections
· Combat systemic racism
· Leveraging our activity with other Indivisible and like-minded groups
· Support rallies and forums on key issues
· Support local elections
Join our team, take action, and learn how you personally can make a
difference for a better future!!
Thank you!
Indivisible Main Line South Co-Leaders,
Abu, Ed, Janet, Dave, Holly, Shelly, Lisa and Mike
Contact IMLS at: IndivisibleMLS@gmail.com
Join us on Facebook - Indivisible Main Line South (private group)